Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Evaluating Posters - The Shawshank Redemption

So I think that going through and pointing out certain aspects of what makes a movie poster successful (based on genre of course) is a good step towards crafting my final case study.  This will be the first of a few evaluations I do.

The first poster I will evaluate is the original poster for The Shawshank Redemption.

Overall, the poster is very beautiful, it shows the majority of the main characters, as well as one of the most iconic scenes in movie history (Arms spread after he escapes in the small river).  However, the main issue I have with this is if you have never seen the movie, which was everyone when this poster first came out, you would have absolutely no idea what it was about.  The only hint that it deals with cops and/or guards is the one police style hat worn by Officer Hadley on the far left side.

This poster actually contains a great amount of epic fantasy style layout to it.  Honestly, compare it to the original Star Wars posters and they are fairly similar minus the typographical choices.  It would also be confused with a horror film as the dark coloring, almost evil look on Andy's face, and the typography all resemble that of a horror film.

Now, let's compare it to a couple much more basic posters that I feel convey's what the movie is about in a much clearer fashion.

First off, minimal posters are always eye catching due to the use of negative space, which both of these use well.  Also, both of these make it very clear in both image and text that the movie is about a prison break, and the poster on the left reinforces the quote by showing a Bible.  Instantly you have attracted the viewers attention with the basic image, and within seconds revealed what the movie is about.

I find this one particularly interesting because the movie did not do well in theaters when it was released, however it is named as one of the top movies ever made today.  IMDB still rates it #1 in its list of 100 movies you have to see before you die.  Obviously, there was a major flaw in it's advertising, and I'm convinced that misinterpretation caused some of it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Poster Images For Case Study

Final Research Question

Ok, the wording may have to be altered slightly, but this is essentially what I'm going with as my final research question:

How can genre be used in movie posters to show a clearer narrative?

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Here is a list of what I plan to present for the final piece:
  • Four movie posters, based on two movies, one good and one bad for each.  This will be based off of the research I have gathered which attempts to pinpoint what actually makes them successful or unsuccessful.
  • A report showing my research, indicating why I opted for certain themes over others to convey a the narrative in a motion piece through a print design.
  • Multiple movie posters for successful and unsuccessful movies that already exist, with specific aspects pointed out showing why they did or did not work in the marketing campaign.

A little update...

So, being that you have given no advice as to how to alter my question, and based on the sites and research I gathered before, I feel that my current question is adequate.  That said, I hope it's what you're looking for as I'm working on storyboards for it now.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Unclear Re-refined Research Question...

After our class the other day, I am thoroughly confused as to what exactly you want as I'm sure many other are as well.  That said, some type of feedback or push in the right direction would be helpful.  Here is a rewritten research question that is about as close as I can get to what I *think* you are looking for:

How can printed design work help to better convey the narrative in a motion piece?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Refined Research Question

Which design principles are required in crafting a successful movie poster and how can they be interwoven with what the consumer/non-designer is looking for in a design narrative?

Concepts & Approaches

As you can see from the research materials I have gathered, I have decided to go with the movie poster idea and how it can make or break the films advertising by how it tells a story quickly and effectively at a glance.

My concept for this will be to show several successful movie posters, as well as several that failed.  I hope to gather a vast amount with several variations of movie genres and successful/unsuccessful movies.  I would also like to show movies that were later deemed very good, despite a bad poster and how it hurt the movie.  And I will also show movie posters that marketed well, but ended up disappointing in the theater.  This will allow me to break down what was done correctly and incorrectly in the marketing.

I also hope to analyze third-party posters such as those done by Olly Moss.  I will compare those posters to the original movie posters and gather research from random people about which they prefer and why.  Some example questions I may ask are:
  • Have you seen this movie?
  • If no, have you heard about it and from where?
  • Which of these posters do you find more interesting? Why?
  • Would one of these posters make you want to see the movie over another? Why?
  • Based on the poster, what do you feel this film is about?
Once I have gathered my information, I will compile my research into a presentable fashion, and attempt to craft a few movie posters of my own for already existing films which utilize the principles found in my research, as well as the results found in my interviews in order to craft the most effective poster possible.

Research Materials

Useful links dealing with how movie posters tell a story, and how if they are not done correctly can ruin the advertising for the film.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Project Proposal

For my final project, I am considering one of the following:

  1. Scheduling App - (The one I had talked with you about before as a possible thesis project for next year) This one is difficult for this project and I would want to talk with you about how exactly I would make it about narrative.
  2. Movie Trailers - I would evaluate how movie trailers develop small narratives of their own based on key points in order to spark interest in the movie itself, while also not giving away any main plot details.
  3. Poster Narratives - Similar to the movie trailers idea, I would evaluate how posters use narrative to spark interest something, while also maintaining enough mystery to draw the reader into wanting more detail.  I could possibly craft some good and/or bad poster(s) to show for this.

It is difficult to say exactly how my calendar will be laid out until an idea is chosen and set in stone.  However, here is a basic idea for it, subject to change.

4/17 - I hope to go over my ideas with you, make changes, and decide on which topic I will be using for sure.
4/22 - Basic research will be done and documented on the blog.
4/24 - Storyboards will be starting and a final "rough" of the core question will be shown for review.
4/29 - Storyboards will be complete, question will be finalized.  The project will be underway.
5/1 - Project will be well underway, "75% complete" as you have requested (hopefully).
5/6 - The project should be nearly complete, at least 90% done.
5/8 - Final project turned in.

(Possible) Research Question:

Using successful and failed movies as examples, I will attempt to determine if advertising played a part in it.  If so, I will evaluate if there is indeed a formula to creating a movie trailer that provides just enough information to show a plot, while hiding the key details that form it.  Can plot be reduced to show a strong narrative, while hiding its key concepts and scenes?